
percolate v.
1: a: to cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance (such as a powdered drug) especially for extracting a soluble constituent
b: to prepare (coffee) in a percolator
2: to be diffused through : PENETRATE

This newsletter picks up from the visual picture in the first section of the above definition.

How it works:

  • Solvent = Reality imagined and actual, past and present and future (including all iterations in-between).

  • The permeable substance = My mind, soul, and experiences.

  • The (desired) soluble constituent = Life, alchemized.

In less scientific detail, Percolations aims to guide us into a better, deeper, and broader experience of “humaning” through thought, experimentation, music, poetry, and whatever else strikes my fancy that week.

For more practical details, why not read for yourself?

Take a look through the Archives and see whether this is something you’d like to see in your inbox every Thursday (sometimes Friday).

Seems like something that interests you?

Why this exists

I could make this section sound glorious and beautiful, decorating the “why” with a thousand sparkles and glittering words about how spreading joy, discussing life, and sharing art make the world a better place, encourage us to slow down and smell the roses, remind us to appreciate tiny good things.

Or I could admit just how selfish this endeavour is from beginning to end, as a form of catharsis. Part of me doesn’t care if no one reads what I write and publish, so long as I have distilled my thoughts and emotions into something outside of myself. I fear dying with stories, poetry, sketches, and music inside of me, never brought onto paper or into sound.

Perhaps, I wonder, I’m not alone in the feelings, thoughts, ambitions, and random thoughts that I experience throughout life. Maybe it’s worth sharing who I am, what makes me come alive, and what I create with the world in some small way, if only so others don’t need to feel alone, lost, or trapped.

And so Percolations exists.

Who I am

I’m Odelia. I happen to love thinking, feeling, and living my way through life, as well as exquisite egg tarts, moist dirt between my toes, and Jacob Collier-style micro-tones.

Currently based in Ontario, Canada, my days are spent chasing ideas, projects, what’s left of my sanity, and my dog. Check out my /now page to see what else I’m up to. Sometimes I contribute to this blog and work on these projects.

Life is a gift, something unasked for, precious, and temporary. And because it is so, I am truly grateful for the time you’ve taken to read this.

Now subscribe, go offline, and LIVE.

Subscribe to Percolations

Coffee for your eyes, mind, soul, and spirit. Black, hot, sweet, iced, creamed, with or without bubble tea. New each week; free forever. Join me as I alchemize life.


Writer. Warrior-Poet. Wayfarer.