percolate v.
1: a: to cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance (such as a powdered drug) especially for extracting a soluble constituent
b: to prepare (coffee) in a percolator
2: to be diffused through : PENETRATE
This newsletter picks up from the visual picture in the first section of the above definition.
How it works:
Solvent = Reality imagined and actual, past and present and future (including all iterations in-between).
The permeable substance = My mind, soul, and experiences.
The (desired) soluble constituent = Life, alchemized.
In less scientific detail, Percolations aims to guide us into a better, deeper, and broader experience of “humaning” through thought, experimentation, music, poetry, and whatever else strikes my fancy that week.
For more practical details, why not read for yourself?
Take a look through the Archives and see whether this is something you’d like to see in your inbox every Thursday (sometimes Friday).
Seems like something that interests you?
Why this exists
I could make this section sound glorious and beautiful, decorating the “why” with a thousand sparkles and glittering words about how spreading joy, discussing life, and sharing art make the world a better place, encourage us to slow down and smell the roses, remind us to appreciate tiny good things.
Or I could admit just how selfish this endeavour is from beginning to end, as a form of catharsis. Part of me doesn’t care if no one reads what I write and publish, so long as I have distilled my thoughts and emotions into something outside of myself. I fear dying with stories, poetry, sketches, and music inside of me, never brought onto paper or into sound.
Perhaps, I wonder, I’m not alone in the feelings, thoughts, ambitions, and random thoughts that I experience throughout life. Maybe it’s worth sharing who I am, what makes me come alive, and what I create with the world in some small way, if only so others don’t need to feel alone, lost, or trapped.
And so Percolations exists.
Who I am
I’m Odelia. I happen to love thinking, feeling, and living my way through life, as well as exquisite egg tarts, moist dirt between my toes, and Jacob Collier-style micro-tones.
Currently based in Ontario, Canada, my days are spent chasing ideas, projects, what’s left of my sanity, and my dog. Check out my /now page to see what else I’m up to. Sometimes I contribute to this blog and work on these projects.
Life is a gift, something unasked for, precious, and temporary. And because it is so, I am truly grateful for the time you’ve taken to read this.
Now subscribe, go offline, and LIVE.